Technical Services
TES has a team of highly motivated, qualified, and respected Technical staff, capable of providing a range of services.
- Vertical and horizontal track alignments surveys
- Clearance to all line side structures, including Overbridge and tunnel profiles
- Monitoring the track infrastructure, including embankments, to establish the extent of any movements or deteriorations via the use of a Geismar Diamond S track recording trolley, with void meters to ensure dynamic geometry is recorded
- We have the capability to carry out Laser Sweep Surveys
- Design of vertical and horizontal track alignment and drainage solutions to the relevant Network Rail standards
- Designing alignments for new tracks, with or without formation or drainage designs
Setting Out
- Marking cants and transitions for on-track machine work
- Producing "as builts" against design to demonstrate that the track has (or has not) achieved the accepted track geometry tolerances
- Setting out for permanent way and drainage designs, within existing rail operations or on a green field site
- Setting out new switch and crossing alignments to enable construction of new layouts prior to installation
- CAT Scanning to Network Rail Standards
- Track Quality Supervisor
- Capability to provide Hallad Method surveying
CRT Management
- Stressing (Levels 1-3), from maintaining stress to the stressing of CWR, in all situations
- Verse Testing
- Providing a full package for monitoring CRT sites in hot weather
Track Handback Engineers
- Designing alignments for new tracks, with or without formation or drainage designs